Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 9 of Project 52: Game Night

I took a lot of photos this weekend, but we had a game night with some friends and family. So, in celebration of Game Night.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Yep, we love bathtime

This is an extension of my week 8 Project 52 post. There were just so many dramatic faces and splashes to pass up the opportunity.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project 52 - Week 8: Bathtime

The most fun I have had on this project 52 adventure is when I have shot photography of something quick that just came out as a cool picture as opposed to a picture setup.

While weeks one and two were fun, weeks like this are even better.

Check back later this week to see the rest of the photos I took of this joyous occasion.You can see all of my photography on my Flickr page.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week 7 of 52: Generations

This photo is inspired by my Grandfather's 79 birthday. He was taken out of school well before high school. He was raised extremely poor and spent his days picking cotton. When he was barely a teenager he followed my grandmother to South Texas when her family moved. They married at a very young age and they have been married for around 65 years. He ran a business for 35 years, has five daughters and a lot of grandkids and great grandkids. It's really an incredible story that I have dramatically shortened.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Project 52 - Week 6

Caitlynne gave me the idea for this post. I did a little bit of cross-processing in Photoshop. 




Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 5 of Project 52

This was taken in a tree in our backyard. It was pretty bright outside, but I wanted more blue and gray in the sky. So, I used a custom white balance on the camera.